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To unlock the full potential of under-served youth that encourages independent thinking, academic excellence, and positive contributors to society. 


How We Serve

We are dedicated to serving youth within and beyond the academic experience by utilizing a strength-based perspective with respect to individual personality and values.  We carry out our mission through extensive, specialized mentoring and teaching activities in the areas of life skills, community awareness , and healthy decision making.  


The Goal

The organization has attainable targets for its program participants. The goals are as follows:

  • Decrease in out-f-class rates

  • Increase community service

  • Increase The Grade Point Average of students within the program

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I Will Rise, Rise

-Sagar Yadav


I will rise
After every fall.
I will rise
And stand tall.

I will rise
Over the wall.
I will rise
Above them all.

Like the sun,
Which never dies.
Though sets every night,
Every day it does rise.

Like the ocean
Whose tides
Many times they are down,
But invariably they rise.

Like the trees,
From seeds they arise,
And heights great
They rise and rise.

After falling once,
Twice and thrice,
Again and again
I will rise and rise.

I will rise
After every fall.
After every fall
I will rise


© 2020 by Keep Rising. Proudly created by Heavenly Service, LLC.

Call us:

(504) 261-9528

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